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Rotary tiller of rotary tillage blade arrangement

Ont déjà visité: 118501/21/2014  

Rotary tillage operation before, the arrangement of rotary tillage blade installation is an important work. Improper installation, will seriously affect the quality of work, and the blade rotation imbalance, can cause damage to the parts and increase the unit vibration, and unsafe.

For Rotary tiller in operations, to avoid leakage and blockage, knife axis force uniform, the arrangement of the blade on the knife shaft configuration, should meet the following requirements:

1. Configuration is more than two blade, should guarantee the cutting soil are equal in amount, in order to achieve the soil quality is good, till after the bottom is flat and level.

2. In the process of the knife axis rotation week, at the same phase Angle, must be a knife, to ensure the working stability and knife shaft load evenly.

3. After the grave of the blade, the axial distance on the knife shaft is bigger, the better, so as to avoid the clogging.

4. Left turn and right turn the blade should be staggered, so that the knife on both ends of the shaft bearing load balance. The general rules of the blade according to the helix arrangement. There are three kinds of rotary tillage blade installation method:

1. The inside pack installation, all blade towards the central axis, after tillage, the ground central bulge.

2. The outer crate except within the two blades at outside, all of the rest of the blade to outside outfit, after tillage, central sunken under the ground.

3. The hybrid method with staggered blade inside and outside, after tillage, the surface is flat and level.

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