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Daily use of the flail mower

Ont déjà visité: 125810/18/2013  

With the rapid development of the lawn, the demand for the flail mower is becoming more and more big. The normal use of the flail mower and maintenance can prolong its service life.

1, the composition of the flail mower

By the engine (or motor), shell, blades, wheel and control armrest and other parts.

2, the classification of the flail mower

According to the power can be divided into using gasoline as fuel engine type, powered by electric motor and unpowered mute type; By walking style can be divided into self-contained, not since the hand push type and vehicle type; According to hay methods can be divided into the grass bag and side line type: according to the number of blades can be divided into single chip, double plate and composite blade; According to blade cutting grass methods can be divided into hob and rotary knife. Usually used for engine type, self-propelled, grass bag, single chip, rotating knife type models.

3, the use of the flail mower

Cut the grass before, you must first remove mowing the lawn area of clutter. Check the number of the oil surface, gasoline engine, air filter filtration performance, screw looseness, degree of tightness and sharp blade. Cold starting engine, machine condition should be closed throttle, pressure lubricator above 3 times, turned to the throttle. Starting again after timely open the throttle. Cut the grass, if the grass is too long, should be cut in stages by installments. Cut grass 1/3 of the total length of each time. The purpose is to avoid mowing the lawn now after straw colour; If the mowing area slope is too steep, should be a slope cutting grass; If the slope more than 30 degrees, had better not flail mower; If the lawn area is too big. The lawn mower continuous work time had better not more than 4 hours.

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